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rocksolid / Rocksolid Nodes Help / Re: fudforum quick hacks thread

Re: fudforum quick hacks thread


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From: (trw)
Subject: Re: fudforum quick hacks thread
Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2019 12:42:37 -0400
Organization: Dancing elephants
Lines: 376
Message-ID: <qnd5hp$f7e$>
References: <qm8n9e$7ie$>
Reply-To: trw <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Injection-Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2019 16:42:37 -0000 (UTC)
Injection-Info:; posting-account="def.i2p";
logging-data="15598"; mail-complaints-to=""
User-Agent: FUDforum 3.0.7
X-FUDforum: 6666cd76f96956469e7be39d750cc7d9 <10363>
 by: trw - Sun, 6 Oct 2019 16:42 UTC

and another quick'n'dirty one: the script below (hacked from pieces of admforum.php and admnntp.php) reads from a file called groups_to_create.txt in webroot/adm/, and creates all the forums listed in that file, plus the update rule to sync over nntp. it's very raw yet, and throws an exception for the display of the results, but the creation as such works.

* copyright : (C) 2001-2013 Advanced Internet Designs Inc.
* email :
* $Id: admforum.php 5707 2013-10-12 11:05:47Z naudefj $
* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

/** Return PHP's maximum upload size in bytes. */
function get_max_upload_size()
{ $us = strtolower(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$size = (int) $us;
if (strpos($us, 'm') !== false) {
$size *= 1024 * 1024;
} else if (strpos($us, 'k') !== false) {
$size *= 1024;
return $size;

/* main */
fud_use('', true);
fud_use('', true);
fud_use('', true);
fud_use('', true);


// AJAX call to reorder forums.
if (!empty($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] == 'reorder') {
$new_order = 1;
foreach ($_POST['order'] as $id) {
q('UPDATE '. $tbl .'forum SET view_order = '. $new_order++ .' WHERE id = '. $id);
exit('Forums successfully reordered.'); // End AJAX call.
require($WWW_ROOT_DISK .'adm/header.php');
$max_upload_size = get_max_upload_size();

/* This is here so we get the cat_id parameter when cancel button is clicked. */
$cat_id = isset($_GET['cat_id']) ? (int)$_GET['cat_id'] : (isset($_POST['cat_id']) ? (int)$_POST['cat_id'] : '');
if (empty($cat_id)) { // Or get it from DB.
$cat_id = q_singleval('SELECT MIN(id) FROM '. $tbl .'cat');
$cat_name = q_singleval('SELECT name FROM '. $tbl .'cat WHERE id='. (int)$cat_id);

$edit = isset($_GET['edit']) ? (int)$_GET['edit'] : (isset($_POST['edit']) ? (int)$_POST['edit'] : '');
if (file_exists('groups_to_create.txt'))
echo 'opened file';
$file_handle = fopen("groups_to_create.txt", 'r') or die("File does not exist or you lack permission to open it");
$_POST['frm_parent']= '0';
$_POST['frm_url_redirect']= '';
$_POST['frm_tag_style']= '16';
$_POST['frm_passwd_posting']= '0';
$_POST['frm_post_passwd']= '';
$_POST['frm_moderated']= '0';
$_POST['frm_max_attach_size']= '2048';
$_POST['frm_max_file_attachments']= '2';
$_POST['frm_mod_attach']= '0';
$_POST['frm_mod_notify']= '0';
$_POST['frm_message_threshold']= '0';
$_POST['frm_forum_icon']= '';
$_POST['frm_pos']= 'LAST';
$_POST['frm_forum_opt'] = (int) $_POST['frm_mod_notify'] | (int) $_POST['frm_mod_attach'] | (int) $_POST['frm_moderated'] | (int) $_POST['frm_passwd_posting'] | (int) $_POST['frm_tag_style'];
$_POST['nntp_server']= 'my.server.ip';
$_POST['nntp_port']= 'my.server.port';
$_POST['nntp_login']= 'my.login';
$_POST['nntp_pass']= 'my.password';
$_POST['nntp_timeout']= '25';
$_POST['nntp_auth']= '128';
$_POST['nntp_imp_limit']= '5000';
$_POST['nntp_custom_sig']= '';
$_POST['nntp_nntp_post_apr']= '0';
$_POST['nntp_allow_frm_post']= '2';
$_POST['nntp_skip_non_forum_users']= '0';
$_POST['nntp_create_users']= '32';
$_POST['nntp_complex_reply_match']= '16';
$_POST['nntp_allow_nntp_attch']= '8';
$_POST['nntp_frm_post_apr']= '0';
fud_use('', true);
while(! feof($file_handle))
$line = fgets($file_handle);
list($category, $forum, $description, $newsgroup) = explode(":", $line);
$cat_id = $category;
$_POST['frm_name']= $forum;
$_POST['frm_descr']= $description;
$frm = new fud_forum;
fud_use('', true);
$frm->cat_id = $cat_id;
logaction(_uid, 'ADDFORUM', $frm->id);
echo successify('Forum was successfully created.');
$_POST['nntp_forum_id']= $frm->id;
$_POST['nntp_newsgroup']= $newsgroup;
$nntp_adm = new fud_nntp_adm;
echo successify('Newsgroup rule successfully added (see <a href="#list">list</a> at bottom of page).');
echo 'groups_to_create.txt does not exist';
if ($edit && ($c = db_arr_assoc('SELECT * FROM '. $tbl .'forum WHERE id='. $edit))) {
foreach ($c as $k => $v) {
${'frm_'.$k} = $v;
} else {
$c = get_class_vars('fud_forum');
foreach ($c as $k => $v) {
${'frm_'.$k} = '';

/* Some default values for new forums. */
$frm_pos = 'LAST';
$frm_max_attach_size = floor($max_upload_size / 1024);
$frm_message_threshold = '0';
$frm_max_file_attachments = '5';
$frm_forum_opt = 16;

if (isset($_GET['chpos'], $_GET['newpos'])) {
frm_change_pos((int)$_GET['chpos'], (int)$_GET['newpos'], $cat_id);
unset($_GET['chpos'], $_GET['newpos']);
echo successify('Forum position was successfully set.');
} else if (isset($_GET['del'])) {
if (frm_move_forum((int)$_GET['del'], 0, $cat_id)) {
$frm_name = q_singleval('SELECT name FROM '. $tbl .'forum WHERE id='. (int)$_GET['del']);
logaction(_uid, 'FRMMARKDEL', (int)$_GET['del']);
echo successify('The <b>'. $frm_name .'</b> forum was moved to the <b><a href="admforumdel.php?'. __adm_rsid .'">trash bin</a></b>.');
} else if (isset($_POST['btn_chcat'], $_POST['frm_id'], $_POST['cat_id'], $_POST['dest_cat'])) {
if (frm_move_forum((int)$_POST['frm_id'], (int)$_POST['dest_cat'], $cat_id)) {
$r = db_saq('SELECT,, FROM '. $tbl .'forum f INNER JOIN '. $tbl .'cat c1 ON'. $cat_id .' INNER JOIN '. $tbl .'cat c2 ON'. (int)$_POST['dest_cat'] .' WHERE'. (int)$_POST['frm_id']);
logaction(_uid, 'CHCATFORUM', (int)$_POST['frm_id']);
echo successify('Forum was successfully moved.');

// Reorder forum display order.
if (isset($_GET['o'], $_GET['ot'])) {
if (in_array($_GET['ot'], array('name', 'descr', 'date_created'))) {
$i = 0;
$r = q('SELECT id FROM '. $tbl .'forum WHERE cat_id='. $cat_id .' ORDER BY '. $_GET['ot'] . ((int)$_GET['o'] ? ' ASC' : ' DESC'));
while ($o = db_rowarr($r)) {
q('UPDATE '. $tbl .'forum SET view_order='. ++$i .' WHERE id='. $o[0]);
// Get list of categories.
$cat_sel = create_cat_select('cat_id', $cat_id, 0);
<h2>Forum Management System</h2>

<fieldset class="fieldtopic">
<legend><b>Change category:</b></legend>
<table width="100%">
if (empty($cat_sel)) {
pf(errorify('Your forum doesn\'t have any categories.<br />Please use the Category Manager to create some before returning to this screen.'));
} else {
<form method="post" action="admforum.php">
Manage forums in catagory:
<?php echo _hs; echo $cat_sel; ?> 
<input type="submit" name="frm_submit" value="Change" />
<?php } ?>
<nobr>[ <a title="List forums in the recycle bin" href="admforumdel.php?<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>">Deleted Forums</a> ]</nobr>

if (empty($cat_sel)) {
require($WWW_ROOT_DISK .'adm/footer.php');
} if (!isset($_GET['chpos'])) { // Hide this if we are changing forum order.
echo '<h3>'. ($edit ? '<a name="edit">Edit forum:</a>' : 'Add forum to <i>'. $cat_name .'</i>:') .'</h3>';

<form method="post" id="frm_forum" action="admforum.php">
<?php echo _hs; ?>
<table class="datatable">
<tr class="field">
<td>Forum Name:<br /><font size="-2">The forum's name.</font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="frm_name" value="<?php echo $frm_name; ?>" maxlength="100" /></td>

<tr class="field">
<td valign="top">Description:<br /><font size="-2">Description that will be shown on the forums main index page. Can contain HTML.</font></td>
<td><textarea nowrap="nowrap" name="frm_descr" cols="28" rows="5"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($frm_descr); ?></textarea></td>

$forum_names = "forum index\ndon't display it";
$forum_ids = "0\n-1";
$c = uq('SELECT id, name FROM '. $tbl .'forum WHERE cat_id='. $cat_id .' AND id != '. (empty($edit) ? 0 : $edit) .' ORDER BY name');
while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
$forum_names .= "\n". $r->name;
$forum_ids .= "\n". $r->id;
<tr class="field">
<td valign="top">Display forum in:<br /><font size="-2">Indicate if this is a subforum (not shown on main index, but in the context of another forum).</font></td>
<td><?php draw_select('frm_parent', $forum_names, $forum_ids, $frm_parent); ?></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>External redirect:<br /><font size="-2">Enter URL if this is a virtual forum that redirects to an external location.</font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="frm_url_redirect" value="<?php echo $frm_url_redirect; ?>" maxlength="255" /></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Tag Style:<br /><font size="-2">What markup language may users use. The tag style must match the content that will be stored in the form.</font></td>
<td><?php draw_select('frm_tag_style', "BBCode\nHTML\nNone", "16\n0\n8", ($frm_forum_opt & 8 ? 8 : ($frm_forum_opt & 16 ? 16 : 0))); ?></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Password Posting:<br /><font size="-2">Posting is only allowed with a knowledge of a password.</font></td>
<td><?php draw_select('frm_passwd_posting', "No\nYes", "0\n4", $frm_forum_opt & 4); ?></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Posting Password:<br /><font size="-2">Password when <i>Password Posting</i> is enabled.</font></td>
<td><input maxlength="32" name="frm_post_passwd" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($frm_post_passwd); ?>" /></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Moderated Forum:<br /><font size="-2">Messages must be approved before they will be visible on the forum.</font></td>
<td><?php draw_select('frm_moderated', "No\nYes", "0\n2", $frm_forum_opt & 2); ?></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Max Attachment Size:<br /><font size="-2">Your php's maximum file upload size is <b><?php echo floor($max_upload_size / 1024); ?></b> KB.<br />You cannot set the forum's attachment size limit higher than that.</font></td>
<td><input type="number" name="frm_max_attach_size" value="<?php echo $frm_max_attach_size; ?>" maxlength="100" size="5" />KB</td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Max Number of file Attachments:</td>
<td><input type="number" name="frm_max_file_attachments" value="<?php echo $frm_max_file_attachments; ?>" maxlength="100" size="5" /></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Can moderators bypass attachment limits:</td>
<td><?php draw_select('frm_mod_attach', "No\nYes", "0\n32", $frm_forum_opt & 32); ?></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Notify moderators of all new messages:</td>
<td><?php draw_select('frm_mod_notify', "No\nYes", "0\n64", $frm_forum_opt & 64); ?></td>

<tr class="field">
<td>Message Threshold:<br /><font size="-2">Maximum size of the message DISPLAYED<br />without the reveal link (0 == unlimited).</font></td>
<td><input type="number" name="frm_message_threshold" value="<?php echo $frm_message_threshold; ?>" size="5" /> bytes</td>

<tr class="field">
<td><a name="frm_icon_pos">Forum Icon:</a><br /><font size="-2">Icon to display next to this forum.</font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="frm_forum_icon" value="<?php echo $frm_forum_icon; ?>" /> <a href="javascript://" onclick="'admiconsel.php?type=1&<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>', 'admiconsel', 'menubar=false,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,height=300,width=500,screenX=100,screenY=100')">[SELECT ICON]</a></td>

<?php if (!$edit) { ?>
<tr class="field">
<td>Insert Position:</td>
<td><?php draw_select('frm_pos', "Last\nFirst", "LAST\nFIRST", ''); ?></td>
<?php } ?>

<tr class="fieldaction">
<td colspan="2" align="right">
if ($edit) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="edit" value="'.$edit.'" />';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="btn_cancel" /> ';
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo ($edit ? 'Update Forum' : 'Add Forum'); ?>" name="frm_submit" />

<input type="hidden" name="cat_id" value="<?php echo $cat_id; ?>" />

<h3>Forums in <i><a name="forumlist"><?php echo $cat_name; ?></a></i>:</h3>
} else { // Busy changing position.
echo '<a href="admforum.php?cat_id='.$cat_id.'&'.__adm_rsid.'">Cancel reorder operation</a>';
} ?>

<table class="resulttable fulltable">
<thead><tr class="resulttopic">
<th nowrap="nowrap">Forum name</th>
<th align="center">Action</th>
<tbody id="sortable">
$move_ct = create_cat_select('dest_cat', '', $cat_id);

$i = 0;
$c = uq('SELECT id, name, descr, forum_opt, view_order FROM '. $tbl .'forum WHERE cat_id='. $cat_id .' ORDER BY view_order');
while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
$bgcolor = ($edit == $r->id) ? ' class="resultrow3"' : (($i%2) ? ' class="resultrow1"' : ' class="resultrow2"');
if (isset($_GET['chpos'])) {
if ($_GET['chpos'] == $r->view_order) {
$bgcolor = ' class="resultrow3"';
} else if ($_GET['chpos'] != ($r->view_order - 1)) {
echo '<tr class="field"><td align="center" colspan="9"><a href="admforum.php?chpos='.$_GET['chpos'] .'&newpos='. ($r->view_order - ($_GET['chpos'] < $r->view_order ? 1 : 0)) .'&cat_id='. $cat_id .'&'. __adm_rsid. '">Place Here</a></td></tr>';
$lp = $r->view_order;
$cat_name = !$move_ct ? $cat_name : '<form method="post" action="admforum.php">'. _hs .'<input type="hidden" name="frm_id" value="'. $r->id .'" /><input type="hidden" name="cat_id" value="'. $cat_id .'" /><input type="submit" name="btn_chcat" value="Move To: " /> '. $move_ct .'</form>';
echo '<tr id="order_'. $r->id .'"'. $bgcolor .' title="'. htmlspecialchars($r->descr) .'">
<td><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>'. $r->name .'</td>
<td><font size="-1">'. htmlspecialchars(substr($r->descr, 0, 30)) .'...</font></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">'. $cat_name .'</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">
[<a href="admforum.php?cat_id='. $cat_id .'&edit='. $r->id .'&'. __adm_rsid .'#edit">Edit</a>]
[<a href="admforum.php?cat_id='. $cat_id .'&del='. $r->id .'&'. __adm_rsid .'">Delete</a>]
[<a href="admforum.php?chpos='. $r->view_order .'&cat_id='. $cat_id .'&'. __adm_rsid .'">Change Position</a>]
if (isset($lp)) {
echo '<tr class="field""><td align="center" colspan="6"><a href="admforum.php?chpos='. $_GET['chpos'] .'&newpos='. ($lp + 1) .'&cat_id='. $cat_id .'&'. __adm_rsid .'">Place Here</a></td></tr>';
if (!$i) {
echo '<tr class="field"><td colspan="6"><center>No forums found. Define some above.</center></td></tr>';

<br />
<table class="datatable" align="right">
<tr class="fieldtopic"><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">Reorder All Forums by:</td></tr>
<tr><td class="field"><font size="-2">
<b>Forum Name:</b> [ <a href="admforum.php?o=1&ot=name&cat_id=<?php echo $cat_id; ?>&<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>#forumlist">Ascending</a> - <a href="admforum.php?o=0&ot=name&cat_id=<?php echo $cat_id; ?>&<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>#forumlist">Descending</a> ]<br />
<b>Description:</b> [ <a href="admforum.php?o=1&ot=descr&cat_id=<?php echo $cat_id; ?>&<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>#forumlist">Ascending</a> - <a href="admforum.php?o=0&ot=descr&cat_id=<?php echo $cat_id; ?>&<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>#forumlist">Descending</a> ]<br />
<b>Creation Date:</b> [ <a href="admforum.php?o=1&ot=date_created&cat_id=<?php echo $cat_id; ?>&<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>#forumlist">Ascending</a> - <a href="admforum.php?o=0&ot=date_created&cat_id=<?php echo $cat_id; ?>&<?php echo __adm_rsid; ?>#forumlist">Descending</a> ]<br />
<br clear="right" />

<?php require($WWW_ROOT_DISK .'adm/footer.php'); ?>

Posted on def3

o fudforum quick hacks thread

By: trw on Sun, 22 Sep 2019


rocksolid light 0.9.81
clearnet tor